Useful Links
Below are some links to organisations you might find useful. If you know of other links that should be included here, please let me know by emailing me at
Society of Recorder Players of New Zealand
Recorders and Early Music Union, based in Wellington.
Society of Recorder Players. A UK organisation but the website has some useful information about playing the recorder, especially the section "The Recorder".
Recorder Home Page. An amazing site compiled by Nicholas S Lander of Tasmania that has an enormous amount of useful and authoritative information about all aspects of the recorder.
Antique Sound World Workshop. Based in the USA, this site has a lot of useful information in their Information Bulletins section.
Orpheus Music. This is a wonderful recorder shop based in Armidale, New South Wales. They have a huge stock of music to buy, with quick delivery, plus some downloadable music. They also run a great one-week residential course every January.
Moeck. The English-language site for Moeck, useful for the section "Practical and worthwhile tips for recorder players" in the "Recorders" section.
Mollenhauer. The English-language site for Mollenhauer, useful for the FAQ section.
Kung. The English-language site for Kung.
Team Recorder - a YouTube series of tutorials and more by Sarah Jeffery - highly recommended